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Справочник школьника
Мастер-класс для школьника

7 класс

II семестр




Тема. Спортивные кружки и секции. Качества атлета



· совершенствовать навыки чтения, устной и письменной речи по теме;

· ознакомить и научить учащихся употреблять дополнительную лексику в монологическом речи;

· практиковать учащихся в ММ и ДМ проблемными ситуациями;

· научить обобщать и систематизировать полученную информацию;

· развивать элементы анализа и самоанализа, логического и критического мышления.


I. Организация класса. Поздравление


II. Подготовка к иностранного вещания

Фонетическая и речевая зарядка.


III. Основная часть урока

а) Проверка выполнения домашнего задания. Впр. 5 в, с. 83

в) Упр. 1, с. 83 - match the qualities their descriptions.

1) to be aggressive - to behave in an angry way

2) to be competitive - to try very hard to be more successful

3) to be dedicated - to work very hard at what one does

4) to have guts - to have courage to do something difficult

5) to have stamina - to be able to continue doing something for a long time

c) Say which of the above qualities are described in the sentences.

He can keep running all day - 5

He sometimes gets into trouble with the referee - 1

He always wants to win - 2

He trains every day in wind, rain or snow - 5

He's not afraid of anything - 3

d) Which of these qualities are important for a sportsman to become a champion? Why?

Are these any other qualities? What are they?

e) Tao exercise 4. “Pelvis rolling”

Stand in the balanced position with hands resting lightly on the top of each hip, thumbs to the rear, finger to the front. Rotate your pelvis slowly towards the front from right to left as you take a breath. On the out-breath roll your pelvis backwards towards the right. Do this five times. Then reverse the process - rolling first to the front right, then returning back to the left.

Visualize your pelvis as resting on a big ball-bearing. Make sure only your pelvis moves (not your shoulders, heard and knees).

f) Bпp. 2, c. 83-84 - “The Sahara Marathon” (tape 30, p. 192)

1) False 6) False

2) True 7) False

3) False 8) True

4) False 9) True

5) False

Discuss the following questions.

How can you characterize the people described in the program?

What qualities do they have?

Can we call such people heroes? Why?

g) Read some ads about sports clubs. Choose the best club for someone who.

Wants to use weights

Likes moving to music

Want to improve their concentration in daily life

Needs to improve their performance in another sport

Is interested in sport from the Far East

Wants to become much stronger


IV. Заключительная часть урока

Домашнее задание

Рассказ о спортивные кружки в школе.

Итоги урока

Учитель подводит итоги урока и оценивает работу учащихся.