II семестр
Цели: формировать навыки применения новых лексических единиц; совершенствовать навыки устной речи, аудирования и чтения; развивать языковую догадку; воспитывать интерес к иностранному языку, путешествия.
1. Warm-up
Read the poem using pictures and then learn it.
We go by car
And we go by train.
We go by boat
And we go by plane.
We go by land,
And see and air.
We go, go, go
From here to there.
2. Listening
Listen to your classmates’ compositions about their parties (homework) and ask questions for more information.
Example: Have you got enough lemonade?
3. Speaking
Practise the new vocabulary.
Using pictures make up as many sentences as you can.

4. Reading and speaking
Work in pairs.
Do Ex. 3, p. 76.
Do Ex. 4, p. 77.
Complete the sentences.
1) Alex loves ___.
2) He visits different places on____ and for ___.
3) When he travels on business, he goes ___.
4) When he travels for pleasure, he goes ___.
5) It isn't pleasant for him enough to travel ___.
Make up your own dialogue.
5. Listening
Listen to the story and answer the questions.
Mrs Walker lives in a big city and she works in a cafe. She has gone there by car every morning for twenty years. Then she was forty-five
years old, and she said to herself, “i'm fat now, because everywhere I go by car. I'm going to buy a bicycle”.
She bought one, and after that she always went to her cafe on that, and not in her car. Sometimes all the cars stopped at a red light, and she went quickly past them to the front, because her bicycle was narrow. Then she was happy.
Yesterday she stopped at a red light, and a man came up behind her on another bicycle. He stopped too and said, “Have the police taken your driving licence away too?”
1) Does Mrs. Walker work in a shop?
2) Why did she decide to buy a bicycle?
3) Where did she stop one day?
4) Who came up behind her then?
5) What did he think about Mrs Walker?
6. Summary
Do Ex. 5, p. 77.
7. Homework
Make up and write down 10 questions about travelling.