II семестр
Цели: формировать навыки употребления наречий, новых лексических единиц и слов too, enough; совершенствовать навыки письма с опорой на лексико-грамматические структуры; развивать речевую реакцию учащихся.
1. Warm-up
1) Do you like to travel?
2) Which types of travel have you tried? (Plane, boat, hitch-hiking...)
3) Which do you like best? Why?
4) When do you prefer to travel?
2. Speaking
Ask your classmates about their last travelling. (Homework)
3. Grammar practice
Explain the rule (p. 78), write similar example on the board and practise them chorally and individually.
Turn these adjectives into adverbs.
beautiful - careful - careless -
bad - quick - hungry -
perfect - quiet - honest -
nice - loud - good -
Do Ex. 1, 2, p. 78.
4. Writing
Finish the sentences about a naughty boy.
1) He laughs very_________ (loud).
2) He runs very upstairs___________ (noisy).
3) He dances_____________ (bad).
4) He shouts___________ (angry).
5) He does this work very___________ (slow).
Agree with your partner.
I think he is a careful worker.
I agree. He works very carefully.
• good teacher
• fast translator
• hungry eaters
• honest player
• careless driver
• slow football player
5. Reading
Do Ex. 3, p. 79.
6. Grammar practice
Explain the rule (p. 79), write similar example on the board and practise them chorally and individually.

Make up as many sentences as you can.
Do Ex. 4, p. 79.
7. Writing
Fill in the gaps with enough, too much or too many.
1) You are very thin. You don't eat____.
2) I don't like the weather. There's____ rain.
3) I can't wait for them. I haven't got_____ time.
4) You drink____ coffee. It's not good for you.
5) You don't eat____ fruit. You should eat more.
6) There was nowhere to sit on the bench. There were____ people.
7) I can't decide what to do because I haven't got_____ information.
Fill in the gaps with too, enough and the following adjectives: big, busy, expensive, far, loud, sharp, warm, loud.
1) Please, turn the radio down. It's____ .
2) Can you turn up the radio, please? It isn't_____ .
3) I don't want to walk home. It's_____ .
4) don'T buy anything in that shop. It's____.
5) You can't put all your things in this bag. It____.
6) We didn't go to the beach. It____.
7) I can't talk to you now. I_____.
8) I can't cut anything with this knife. It____.
8. Summary
1) Is it warm enough today to go out?
2) Was it really too cold yesterday?
3) Have you got enough money to buy this computer?
4) Have you got enough information to make this report?
5) Did they have too many players in the team?
9. Homework
Do Ex. 5, p. 79.