Английский язык
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Английский язык. Универсальное издание - подготовка к ЗНО и ДПА





Числительное (THE NUMERAL)


Числительные делятся на количественные (cardinal) (one, two, ten) и порядковые (ordinal) (the first, the second, the tenth).

1) Количественные числительные





100 и далее

1 one

13 thirteen

20 twenty

100 a (one) hundred

2 two

14 fourteen

22 twenty-two

101 a (one) hundred and one

3 three

15 fifteen

30 thirty

200 two hundred

4 four

16 sixteen

33 thirty-three

225 two hundred and twenty-five

5 five

17 seventeen

40 forty

307 three hundred and seven

6 six

18 eighteen

44 forty-four

1,000 a (one) thousand

7 seven

19 nineteen

55 fifty-five

1,004 a (one) thousand and four

8 eight


61 sixty-one

3,333 three thousand three

9 nine


76 seventy-six

hundred and thirty-three

10 ten


88 eighty-eight

25,702 twenty-five thousand

11 eleven


90 я/иегу

seven hundred and two

12 twelve


99 ninety-nine

100,000 a (one) hundred thousand 1,000,000 a (one) million



- Числительные hundred, thousand, million употребляются с числительным one или с артиклем а: one hundred (a hundred)

- В сочетании с другими числительными слова hundred, thousand, million не имеют формы множественного числа: three hundred, two million five thousand, two hundred and thirty-two

- Разряды тысяч и миллионов отделяются запятой: 6,541; 202,035; 4,678,000.

- Числительные типа 31, 61 и др. употребляются с существительными во множественном числе: There are 31 pupils in our form.


2) Порядковые числительные образуются от соответствующих количественных числительных прибавлением суффикса -th:

4-й - 12-й

4 th = fourth

5th = fifth

8th = eighth

9th = ninth

12th = twelfth

13-й - 19-й

13 th = thirteenth

14th = fourteenth

15 th = fifteenth

18th = eighteenth

19th = nineteenth

20-й - 99-й

20th = twentieth

24th = twenty-fourth

40th = fortieth

90th = ninetieth

99th = ninety-ninth

100-й и дальше

100th = hundredth

200th = two hundredth

375th = three hundred and seventy-fifth

5,000 th - five thousandth

1,000,000 th = millionth

Исключения: one - first

two - second

three - third


- Некоторые числительные, превращаясь в порядке, меняют свою форму: five - fifth eight - eighth nine - ninth twelve - twelfth

- Порядковые числительные, обозначающие десятки, меняют конечный-на -ie: twenty - twentieth sixty- sixtieth

- В составных порядковых числівниках только последний разряд выражается порядковым числительным: 6,541 - six thousand five hundred and forty-first

Для справок:

Для обозначения номеров комнат, домов, автобусов и прочих видов транспорта, размеров одежды, обуви и т.д употребляются количественные числительные:

I live in flat 10 (ten).

She wears size thirty-eight shoes (thirty-eight).

You must learn Lesson 7 (seven).

Дать выражаются порядковыми числительными:

She was bom on the tenth of May.

Годы читаются таким образом:

1900 - nineteen hundred

1908 - nineteen eight (в официальном языке: nineteen hundred and eight)

1925 - nineteen twenty-five (nineteen hundred and twenty-five)

Слово year после числительного не употребляется, но иногда может ставиться перед ним: in the year nineteen ninety-eight.


3) Дроби (Fractions)

Простые (vulgar) дроби:

1/2 a (one) half

2/5 two fifth

1/4 a (one) quarter a (one) fourth

3/4 three quarters three fourths

1/5 a (one) fifth

2/3 two thirds

5/6 five sixths

1/3 a (one) third

1/6 one sixth

1(1/2) one and a half

2(1/3) two and a (one) third


Десятичные (decinal) дроби:

0.1 nought point one или one point

0.01 nought point nought one или point nought one

2.35 two point three five

32.305 three two (или thirty-two) point three nought five


4) Проценты обозначаются таким образом:

2%, или 2 per cent, или 2 г. с. (читается: two per cent)

3/8%, или 3/8 per cent, или 3/8 г. с. (читается: three eighths per cent или three eighths of one per cent)

1/2%, или 1/2 per cent., или 1/2 p. c. (читается: a half per cent или a half of one per cent)

0.2%, или 0.2 per cent, или 0.2 p. c. (читается: nought point two per cent, или nought two of one per cent).




1. Read and write the following cardinal numerals.





















13.753, 654,

1.237. 861.






2. Form, read and write ordinal numerals from the following cardinal numerals.

Model: 1 - first

465 - four hundred and sixty-fifth

5, 12, 13, 21, 62, 100, 530, 10, 8, 9, 1.561.58

3. Read and write in English the following:

a) dates

Model: 7/V 1978 - the seventh of May, nineteen seventy-eight.

6/1 1673

31/X 1561

10/III 1931

15/XII 1998

16/11 1999

18/V 2000

b) vulgar fractions

Model: 2/3 - two thirds













c) decinal fractions

Model: 2.53 - two point five three

32.305 - three two (or thirty-two) point three nought five











span lang=EN-US style='font-family:"Verdana","sans-serif"'>51.475


d) time

A: Model: 11.05 - it's five minutes past eleven.

1.45 - it's a quarter to two.

3.30 - it's half past three.













B: Model: a quarter past three - 3.15

half past five twenty-five minutes to seven

a quarter to six a quarter past six

twenty to eleven five minutes to twelve

4. Read the following.

a) 2,005 journals; 6,300,000 strikers; 201 clerks; 45 banks; 205 suggestions; 6,866 books; 9,372,467 signatures; on page 763; by tram 43; in room 209; in chapter XXIX; on the 12th day.

b) at the end of 1759; in 1200; in 1860; in August, 1975; 1990 by; in Jan. 1997; on Dec. 27, 1998; 27th Febr., 1967; on the 25th of May; Oct., 16, 1996; Nov. 9, 1995; 3rd Sept., 1940.

5. Translate into English.

9 мая 1998 года; 25 апреля 1985 года; 6 августа 1972 года; 6.10.1958; 10,9 .1959 г.; до июня 1975 г.; 19/11 1905 г.; в мае 1985 г.

6. Do the sums.

A: Model: 1 + 12 = ?

One plus twelve is thirteen.

6 + 5 = ?

8 + 2 = ?

16 + 2 = ?

69 + 31 = ?

7 + 9 = ?

10 + 45 = ?

11 + 32 = ?

72 + 14 = ?

10 + 15 = ?

9 + 35 = ?

10 + 112 = ?

80 + 15 = ?

5 + 5 = ?

6 + 67 = ?

100 + 205 = ?


В: Model: 16 - 8 - ?

Sixteen minus eight is eight.

8 - 4 = ?

6 - 3 = ?

19 - 9 = ?

85 - 43 = ?

7 - 3 = ?

12 - 6 = ?

21 - 1 = ?

71 - 30 = ?

10 - 9 = ?

18 - 9 = ?

50 - 35 = ?

30 - 15 = ?

9 - 5 = ?

25 - 5 = ?

100 - 46 = ?


C: Model: 4 x 4 = ?

Four multiplied by four is sixteen.

2 x 2 = ?

4 x 1 = ?

4 x 10 = ?

16 x 4 = ?

4 x 3 = ?

10 x 2 = ?

5 x 8 = ?

8 x 32 = ?

3 x 2 = ?

5 x 5 = ?

10 x 2 = ?

10 x 10 = ?

6 x 2 = ?

16 x 2 = ?

15 x 3 = ?


D: Model. 15 : 5 = ?

Fifteen divided by five is three.

6 : 2 = ?

9 : 3 = ?

40 : 2 = ?

20 : 4 = ?

4 : 2 = ?

27 : 9 = ?

10 : 5 = ?

5 : 5 = ?

8 : 4 = ?

56 : 7 = ?

15 : 3 = ?

45 : 9 = ?

10 : 2 = ?

35 : 7 = ?

3 : 3 = ?


7. Put out the numerals and the nouns denoting quantity. Translate the sentences into Russian.

1. Shops and chapels... He passed a dozen of them... (Cronin)

2. They say that three score and ten is the normal length fo human life.

3. She bought three score of eggs and two dozen of apples.

4. The children went in pairs.

5. I bought two pair of shoes.

6. Thousands of people took part in the meeting.

7. The pupils formed in the columns by fours.

8. A Rugby fifteen is a team of fifteen players.

9. ... the red glare flashed into sight, illuminating a score of workmen stripped to the waist. (Cronin)

10. He had about fifty hives in his garden, and told us that their total population was nearly four million. (Moore)

11. A hundred yards away the girl stood trying the gates of the park. (Bates)

12. “He said I was a daughter of the bards. What are they?” - “Welsh poets, who lived hundreds of years ago.” (Galsworthy)

13. I was fond of my pipe: more than two feet of straight bamboo... Two-thirds of the way down was the bowl... (Greene)

14. “I'm twenty-four, sir,” Andrew answered awkwardly. (Hemingway)

15. Earle Fox was only fifty-four, but he felt timeless and ancient. (Wilson)

16. And again she saw them, but not four, more likely forty laughing, sneering, jeering... (Mansfield)