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Lesson 9

Тема. Повторение грамматики


учебная: повторить лексико-грамматические структуры, закрепить их в речи, научить пользоваться грамматической опорной таблицей «Глагол to be», совершенствовать навыки произношения английских звуков с помощью разучивание римівок и составления диалогов;

развивающая: развивать речевые компетенции, спонтанные ответы на вопросы и быструю реакцию; развивать коммуникативные способности учащихся, развивать навыки аудирования и диалогической речи; толерантного отношения к одноклассникам;

воспитательная: вызвать у детей желание учиться; изучать иностранный язык; воспитывать дисциплину, уважение к одноклассникам, привычку к систематическому умственному труду.

Оборудование: таблица «Глагол to be», карточки по теме «Моя семья».

Ход урока


1. Write a poem on the board leaving out the verb “to be”.

Ask the pupils to fill in the gaps.

I am Yura.

You are Shura.

He is Sasha.

She is Masha.

Am I Yura?

Are you Shura?

Is he Sasha?

Is she Masha?

Read the poem chorally and individually.



2. Look and learn (p. 20, ex. 1).

Read and learn the table. Explain how to use it. Use the pupils’ native language.

Ask the pupils to read all the columns chorally.




Hide an object behind your back, so pupils cannot see it.

Ask pupils to guess what it is.

Present the structure of the question before the game starts.

Teacher. Is it a (pen)? Yes, it is. No, it isn't.

Write the question and possible answers on the board.

Point to these structures every time you say them.

It will help pupils to remember how to read these words better.

Pupil. Is it a pen?

Teacher. No, it isn't.

Pupil. Is it a pencil?

Teacher. Yes, it is.

Then ask one pupil to say an affirmative sentence:

It's a pen.

Play two or three rounds.

One pupil can be a leader and hide an object behind his back.



Pair work:

Pupils take turns to name any picture on the page.

Their partner listens and responds by pointing to the picture and word named. The aim is to do it as fast as possible, playing ‘word-tennis’ until one of the pupils makes a mistake.

They can keep scores.

Go round to help and supervise the pairs.



3. Complete and say (p. 20, ex. 2).

Complete the sentences using the table (ex. 1, p. 20).

Key: 1.1 am a pupil. 2. My grandparents are kind. 3. My friend is strong. 4. Is your sister five? - Yes, she is. 5. Ann and Dan are cousins. 6. I think I am a good child.

4. Speak in class (p. 20, ex. 3).

Look at the pictures. Describe the people in the pictures. Use the sentences. Then ask the pupils to say the opposite. If the pupils have difficulties, write the opposites on the board. It helps them to choose the opposites.

Key: 2. He is weak. He isn't weak. 3. They are old. They aren't old. 4. We are young. We aren't young.



5. Write the answers (p. 21, ex. 4).

Pupils read the sentences.

Pupils write the sentences in their activity books.

Key: 1. Is your aunt young? - Yes, she is. 2. Is your brother strong? - No, he isn't. 3. Are you a pupil? - Yes, I am. 4. Are your grandparents kind? - Yes, they are. 5. Are they your mother's parents? - No, they aren't. 6. Have you got many friends? - Yes, I have. / No, I haven't. 7. Has she got a sister? - No, she hasn't. 8. Do you visit your aunt and uncle on Sundays? - Yes, I do. / No, I don't.

6. Listen and do (p. 21, ex. 5).

Read the poem. Pupils listen.

Read again, pausing after each sentence to let the pupils point at the pictures. Ask the pupils to read the poem. Do choral and individual repetition.

Read the poem and translate the words of the poem if necessary.

Tell the pupils to stand up. Recite the poem and do the actions. Ask the pupils to repeat after you.



7. Write (p. 21, ex. 6).

Explain how to do the exercise.

Ask an exemplary pupil to come up to the board and write the first sentence. Pupils do the same in their activity books.

Ask another pupil to write the next sentence... and so on.



Learn the table (p. 20).

Learn the poem (p. 21, ex. 5).