II семестр
Цели: совершенствовать навыки употребления лексических единиц в грамматических структурах разных времен и употребление союзов, навыки устной речи и письма; развивать внимание и сообразительность; воспитывать интерес к иностранному языку.
1. Warm-up
1) What is the most popular food in Kharkiv?
2) What is the most beautiful cafe in Kharkiv? What do you like about it?
3) What is the largest market place in Kharkiv? What can we buy there?
2. Reading and writing Work in pairs.
Ask pupils, A and B, to read their texts and write the answers to these questions.
1) What is Bohdan's surname?
2) How old is he?
3) Where does he live?
4) How many sisters and brothers has he got?
5) What does his father do?
6) What does his mother do?
7) What form is he in?
8) Does he like school?
9) What is his favourite lesson?
10) What does he like doing?
11) What is he good at?
Pupil a's text
Bohdan Bondarenko is ten years old. He lives in a suburb of Uzh - horod in the west of Ukraine. He's got three brothers and a sister. His father is a driver. His mother sells potatoes in the market. Bohdan is a pupil of the fifth form. He likes school and learning English. His favourite lessons are also Maths and Geography. He likes hiking the mountains and he is good at mountain biking.
Pupil b's text
Bohdan Goncharenko is eleven years old. He lives in a suburb of Sevastopol on the south coast of Ukraine. He's got two brothers and a sister. His father is a sailor. His mother sells fish in the market. Bohdan is a pupil of the sixth form. He doesn't like school but he likes learning English. His favourite lesson is only PE. He likes sailing and he is good at surfing.
Compare the information.
Pupils work with their partners. Pupil A starts and Pupil B interrupts at each point of difference. Example:
A. His surname is Bondarenko.
B. No, it isn't. His surname is Goncharenko.
A. he's ten years old.
B. No, he isn't. He's eleven years old.
3. Grammar practice
Explain the rule how to use the linking words (p. 120) and do Ex. 1, p. 120.
4. Speaking
Do Ex. 2, p. 120.
5. Grammar practice
Revise using the tenses and do Ex. 3, p. 121.
a) has lived is growing, goes, likes, because, are
b) has, is called, works, another, worked, did not like, makes, now, enjoyable
c) wants, has to, gets, catches, starts, for, begin, gets, at, was
d) his, phoned, is, has gone, has left said, shall, Steve's. pointed. been, over, had to, late
6. Summary
Complete the sentences.
1) Ukraine and is ___ country.
2) The climate is subtropical in the south of Ukraine so ___.
3) Every year many people travel to the Crimea because ___.
4) Travelling by car to the Crimea is very long, but____.
7. Homework
Write a short paragraph about yourself using and, but, so, because.