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Мой конспект
6 класс

II семестр







Цели: совершенствовать навыки устной речи и чтения; формировать навыки применения новых лексических единиц; воспитывать доброжелательное отношение к собеседнику; развивать культуру общения и речевую реакцию учащихся.


1. Warm-up

What is the question?

Ask students to write down ten answers to questions about their imaginary journey (homework). After writing down the answers, they have to form pairs or small groups and try to find out what the questions are.

Example: answer - By car - How did you travel last year?

- The Carpathians - Where did you go?

- White bears - What did you see?

You can stop at three guesses if you want, or keep going until someone in the class can guess the question.

2. Listening

Listen to the text and answer the questions.

New words

• nomad - кочевник

• depend on - зависеть

• seal - тюлень

caribou - карибу (северный канадский олень)

raw - сырой

In 1999 canada's Inuit were given their own territory called Nunavut. It's huge but extremely cold. The Inuit have lived in this frozen region of tundra, icy lakes and Arctic islands for thousands of years. In winter, it's dark 24 hours a day, and the temperature can drop to -50°C. In summer, it's light 24 hours a day!

The Inuit used to be called ‘Eskimos’, which means ‘eaters of raw meat’, but they prefer ‘Inuit’ because it means ‘the people’.

It's hard to believe but 50 years ago the Inuit were nomads. They depended on hunting and fishing and moved from place to place as hunting seasons changed. Today they live in houses and work in offices and factories. Young people western wear clothes, eat fast food and listen to rock music.

Some Inuit, however, continue to live as hunters and fishermen. They wear their traditional clothes and eat their traditional foods like seal, caribou and polar bear and still make igloos when they go hunting.

1) Where do the Inuit live?

2) What is the climate like there?

3) What is the other word for ‘Inuit’?

4) What did they do 50 years ago?

5) What is their life like today?

6) How do some Inuit keep traditions?

3. Reading

Read the text in Ex. 1, p. 96, find the following words there, read them aloud and match them with the Russian equivalents.


1) wonder

a) получать

2) ancient times

b) независимый

3) receive

c) площадь

4) introduce

d) корни

5) cover

e) давние времена

6) area

f) населения

7) population

g) коренной, настоящий

8) root

h) иммигрант

9) immigrant

i) знакомить, рекомендовать

10) original

j) чудо

11) independent

k) занимать, покрывать


Do Ex. 2, p. 97.

4. Speaking

Do Ex. 3, p. 97.

In pairs, do Ex. 4, p. 97.

5. Summary

Quiz ‘Do you know Canada?”

1) Canada is____ .

a) the largest country in the world

b) the second largest country in the world

c) third largest country in the world

2) The capital of Canada is____.

a) Montreal

b) Toronto

c) Ottawa

3) Canada has two official languages. They are____ .

a) English and German

b) English and French

c) English and Canadian

4) The official colours of Canada are____.

a) red and blue

b) white and red

c) red and gold

5) Canada national sport is____.

a) baseball

b) football

c) ice hockey

6) The Canadian head of state is____.

a) the Queen

b) the President

c) the Prime Minister

7) A snow house built by the Inuit (Eskimos) is called____.

a) an igloo

b) a cabin

c) a hut

8) The world famous waterfall situated in Canada is____.

a) Victoria

b) Niagara

c) Sutherland

9) Canadians have a special celebration in honour of this sweet drink. What is it?

a) Cola

b) lemonade

c) maple syrup

Key: 1 b, 2 c, 3 b, 4 b, 5 c, 6 a 7 a 8 b 9 c.

6. Homework

Write a short paragraph about Canada using the questions in Ex. 4, p. 97 as a plan.