Английский язык
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ВНО 2016
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Справочник школьника
Мастер-класс для школьника

7 класс

II семестр




Тема. Домашнее чтение, текст «Серебряные коньки»



· формировать навыки чтения незнакомого текста с полным охватом содержания прочитанного и письменной речи по теме;

· научить учащихся правильного и четкого выполнения указаний учителя;

· учить логического высказывания во время выполнения проблемных заданий;

· способствовать развитию логического и аналитического мышления, наблюдательности, фантазии и воображения.


I. Организация класса. Поздравление


II. Подготовка к иностранного вещания

Фонетическая и речевая зарядка.


III. Основная часть урока

а) Отработка новой лексики, словарная работа

· to tie strings

· steel strap

· earn

· Holland / Dutch

· Necklace

· in turn

b) Discuss the following questions.

How did the Dutchmen use the canals in winter?

Who was on the canal this morning? What for?

Why were Hans and Gretel laughed b other children?

What do you know about Hilda? Describe her qualities.

What was the prize for the victory in skating races?

How did the children prepare for the skating races?

Why did Hilda want to give Hans some money?

How many skaters were waiting for the signal to start?

How did Hans earn money for a second pair of skates?

How many people were watching the competitions?

What were the results of the skating races?

Why did Hans give his strap to Peter?

Who got silver skates as the main prize?

c) Give your own titles for each of the six parts of the text. Comment on your choice. Give your own reasons.

d) Which episode of the story is the most interesting / teaching / dramatic / thrilling? Why? Speak your mind.

e) Characterize Hans / Gretel / Peter / Hilda.

Speak about their appearance, habits and manners.

Characters Which do you like?

Would you like to change anything in the plot? Why?

f) Pair work. Think and try to dramatize the conversation between

Hans and Gretel

Hans and Hilda

Hans and Peter

g) Imagine you are a sports journalist. Make a report about these skating races. Think of the interview.


IV. Заключительная часть урока

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