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Lesson 9

Тема. Повторение грамматики


учебная: повторить и обобщить грамматический материал, закрепить употребление грамматических структур, активизировать изученный лексико-грамматический материал в речи, развивать умения и навыки чтения, письма, устной речи;

развивающая: развивать интеллектуальные и познавательные способности, разные типы памяти - слуховую, зрительную, оперативную, длительную, внимание, воображение, учить работать в паре, группе, логично выражать мнение;

воспитательная: воспитывать культуру собеседования, заинтересованность в расширении своих знаний, общую культуру учащихся.

Оборудование: грамматические таблицы, карточки по теме.

Ход урока


1. Team game: The Colours Race.

Divide the class into four teams, А, В, C and D. Name a colour, e.g., red. The first pupil in each team has to find something of that colour and say the name of an animal of this colour. He / She can find the picture of the animal in the Animal Book and stick it to the board. The first pupil to do so wins a point for his or her team.



Look at the table “Nouns. Plurals”. Revise the plural and spelling of nouns. Read the exceptions.

2. Write (p. 100, ex. 1).

Ask the pupils to write the nouns in plural using the grammar table “Nouns. Plurals”.

Ask the pupils to come up to the board one by one and write the nouns in plural.

3. Look, find and say (p. 100, ex. 2).

Pupils look at the picture, find the words and make up questions and sentences: “What can you see? - I can see the cow's head. / I can see the parrot's wings.” etc.

4. Write negative sentences (p. 100, ex. 3).

Write an example on the board. Explain to the pupils how to make a negative sentence. Use the tables “Present Simple. Negative”, “Modal Verb Can”, “The Verb to Be”.

Write the negative sentence: “This animal can climb trees. This animal can't climb trees.”

Write the other sentences in the negative form.

Key: 2. Bill hasn't got a pet. 3. These birds haven't got two wings. They can't fly. 4. The monkeys don't make funny faces.

5. Write questions (p. 101 ex. 4).

Write an example on the board. Explain to the pupils how to make a question. Use the tables “Present Simple. Questions”, “The Verb Have / Have Got”.

Explain the task and draw the pupils’ attention to the word order of questions. Key: 2. Has an eagle got strong wings? 3. Have elephants got big ears? 4. Camels Have got long necks?

6. Open the brackets (p. 101 ex. 5).

Explain the task and draw the pupils’ attention to the words in brackets.

Read the sentences. Explain the rules and ask the pupils to copy down the sentences opening the brackets.

Read the story again. Ask the pupils to describe the picture.

Key: 1. does; 2. helps; 3. is; 4. helps; 5. are; 6. is; 7. is; 8. sleeps.

7. Write (p. 101 ex. 6).

Ask the pupils to make sentences checking the word order.

Ask the exemplary pupils to write the sentences on the board.

When the sentences are on the board, ask the pupils to put them in the right order.

Key: 1. Elly is the elephant in the circus. 2. She can do many tricks. 3. She can jump. 4. She can play with a ball. 5. She can dance. 6. Elly eats bananas and oranges.



8. Speak English (p. 101 ex. 7).

Ask the pupils to name animals they see in the circus.

Ask the pupils to speak about an animal in the circus.



Word Banks Project: Add circus animals to the Animal Book. Write what each animal can do in the circus.