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Тема. Здоровый образ жизни. Пословицы о здоровье



· совершенствовать навыки устной речи, чтения и аудирования;

· ознакомить и научить употреблять грамматические структуры с Present Simple Passive Voice в устном и писемному речи;

· научить учащихся употреблять новые фразеологические единицы, давать характеристику;

· формировать навыки неподготовленного монологического и диалогического вещания с проблемной ситуацией;

· развивать познавательный интерес, аудитивну память, внимание, наблюдательность и сообразительность.


I. Организация класса. Поздравление


II. Подготовка к иностранного вещания

Фонетическая и речевая зарядка.


III. Основная часть урока

a) Проверка выполнения домашнего задания.

10 вопросов по теме

b) Упр. 1, с. 62-63 - look at the posters and answer the questions.

Who puts up posters and notices like those?

Why do they put them up?

Where can you see them?

Can you think of another message like those?

c) Упр. 2, c. 63 - match the halves and read the proverbs.

A sound mind in a sound body

After dinner sit a while, after supper walk a mile.

An apple a day keeps the doctor away.

Desperate diseases must have desperate cures.

Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.

Good health is above wealth.

Laughter is the best medicine.

Live not to eat but eat to live.

d) Some people believe that regular visits to the doctor are the best way not to get ill. Do you agree with it? What are other ways not to get il? Discuss these questions in small groups.

e) Упр. 3, c. 63 - listen to the interview and say if these statements are true or false (tapescript 22, p. 189).

Germs are so small that can't be seen in the microscope.

+ Sneezing is one way of getting virus disease.

+ You can get ill if viruses get into your mouth, nose and eyes.

   When you sneeze, drops from your nose travel at about 120 miles an hour.

+ Cleanliness controls germs.

   Regular cold showers help you keep fit.

+ People should wash hands very often with soap and warm water.

+ You should always have a tissue with you.

+ You should регулярно go to a physician and dentist for checkups.

e) Bпp. 5, c. 63-64 - read the story about healthy Henry and discuss it.

Where does Henry work?

Why does he want to live to be a hundred?

What is his usual breakfast?

What does he do in the park in any weather?

How does Henry go to work?

Do you consider his meals to be rather strange and exotic?

What is his daily routine? Is it strange for us?

Can you call Henry a crank? Why? Why not?

Does Henry really care for his health? Prove.

What's your idea of Henry's way of life?


IV. Заключительная часть урока

Домашнее задание

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