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Lesson 3

Тема. Сейчас зима


учебная: практиковать все виды речевой деятельности, ознакомить с новыми лексическими единицами, повторить ранее изученные лексические единицы, звуки, грамматические структуры;

развивающая: совершенствовать фонетику и артикуляцию звуков, развивать устные коммуникативные умения с опорой на наглядность, обобщить и систематизировать лексические единицы по темам «Времена года», «Названия месяцев»;

воспитательная: заинтересовать учащихся темой урока, привлечь их внимание до новых лексических единиц, предусмотренных в этом уроке; помочь им быть более раскованными в общении, повторить лексический запас предыдущих уроков.

Оборудование: таблицы «Времена года», «Названия месяцев», карты, связанные с временами года и занятием.

Ход урока


1. Complete the sentences using the pictures.

Write the sentences on the board and complete them with the pictures. Pupils read the beginnings and name the pictures:

- Today the weather is...

- When it rains you take...

- In winter you wear...

- In autumn you eat....

- When it's snowy you can...

- In summer you don't wear...



2. Look and say (p. 68, ex. 1).

Part 1

Read the questions and answers. Pupils listen and look at the pictures.

Then they read the mini dialogues in pairs.

Part 2

Read the new words. Say the words, using the book pictures and miming. You can use real objects. Pupils listen and repeat.

Draw the pupils’ attention to the plural “gloves”, “mittens”.

Make sentences with the new words. Pupils the complete mini dialogues with the new words too.

Do choral and individual repetition.



3. Work in groups. Act out (p. 68, ex. 2).

Ask a few questions in English about the pictures: “How many children can you see? What are their names? What colour is the sweater? Who has got a hat and a dress? What colour is the hat?” etc.

Dialogue: In pairs, pupils read and practice the story.

One or two pairs act out the dialogues.

4. Let's exercise. Listen and do (p. 68, ex. 3).

Read the poem and mime. Pupils listen and watch.

Read again, pausing after each sentence to let the pupils mime.

Ask the pupils to read the poem too. Do choral and individual repetition.

Read the poem. Translate the words of the poem if necessary.

Tell the pupils to stand up. Say the poem and do the actions. Ask the pupils to repeat after you.

5. Listen and repeat. Say (p. 68, ex. 4).

Read the questions and answers using the pictures.

Ask the pupils to read the questions and answers too. Do choral and individual repetition using other pictures.



6. Write the questions (p. 68, ex. 5).

Write the sentences on the board.

Write the questions to the sentences. Explain how to make questions in their native language.

Write the table:



I, we, you, they...?


he, she, it...?


Key: 1. Does Mary like...? 2. Does Ann like...? 3. Do we like...? 4. Do they like...? 5. Can you ski...? 6. Is it snowy...?



7. Speak English (p. 69, ex. 6).

Ask the pupils to describe winter using the beginnings of the sentences.



Learn the poem (p. 69, ex. 3).

Describe winter.