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Тема. Приготовление пищи



· совершенствовать навыки письменной и устной речи с опорой на лексико-грамматические структуры;

· научить правильно употреблять соответствующие грамматические структуры;

· научить учащихся выполнять задания по развитию навыков ММ и ДМ с использованием изученных лексико-грамматических единиц;

· развивать наблюдательность и эстетическое восприятие окружающей среды;

· способствовать развитию самостоятельного аналитического мышления, умение четко выполнять инструкции и советы учителя.


I. Организация класса. Поздравление


II. Подготовка к иностранного вещания

Фонетическая и речевая зарядка.


III. Основная часть урока

a) Проверка выполнения домашнего задания

b) Вещания с проблемными ситуациями. «Приготовление пищи»

c) Упр. 1, с. 50-51 - употребление артиклю а / an и местоимения some с существительными (грамматический справочник § 3, с. 172-173 учебника).

some cherries - some flowers - some lemons etc.

an apple, an onion - a glass, etc.

d) Bпp. 2, c. 51 - choose an appropriate noun + of to indicate quality.

· some bread - three loaves of bread

· some tea - two cups of tea, etc.

e) Bпp. 3, c. 51-use how much / how many in questions.

How much milk do you drink every day?

How many books do you buy every month?

How much pocket money do you get every week?

How many people did you meet on your last holiday?

How much sugar do you take in your tea?

f) Bпp. 5, c. 52 - fill in many / much / a lot of / lots of.

Let's go shopping together.

Great! I've got a lot of spare time today etc.

g) Are you a foodie? (multiple choice test).

1) What was used as money in 16th century Sweden?

a) tomatoes

b) chocolate

c) cheese

2) Egyptian slaves went on strike and stopped building the pyramids when they weren't given enough

a) garlic

b) peppers

c) cinnamon

3) What was invented in France in 1869?

a) butter

b) mayonnaise

c) margarine

4) Tomato ketchup was invented in

a) America

b) Spain

c) Canada

5) What is wrapped around some Indian sweets?

a) flour and water

b) gold and silver

c) paper and plastic

6) Pizza originally comes from

a) America

b) Italy

c) Germany

7) Ice-cream was invented in

a) Italy

b) China

c) America

8) The world's greatest cheese eaters are

a) the Swiss

b) the Germans

c) the French

9) What is the main food for over half the world's population?

a) potatoes

b) rice

c) bread

10) The saying “we will eat anything with wings except an aeroplane and anything with four legs except a table” comes from

a) England

b) China

c) Malaysia


· Less than 4 points - That was terrible. You will never be a “foodie”.

· 4-6 points - Not bad but you need study more to become a true “foodie”.

· 7-10 points - Well done. When it comes to food, you really know your onions.


IV. Заключительная часть урока

Домашнее задание Упр. 6, с. 52.

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