Английский язык
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ВНО 2016
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7 класс

И семестр




Тема. Полезная информация о еде



· активизировать и закрепить тематические ЛО;

· совершенствовать навыки чтения, устной и письменной речи;

· практиковать учащихся в ММ и ДМ проблемными ситуациями;

· учить систематизировать полученную информацию;

· развивать логическое и аналитическое мышление.


I. Организация класса. Поздравление


II. Подготовка к иностранного вещания

Фонетическая и речевая зарядка.


III. Основная часть урока

a) Проверка выполнения домашнего задания,

«Рецепты моей мамы / бабушки»

b) Упр. 1, 2, с. 50 - “Some Useful Information”

1) In your notebook write all the food you ate yesterday.

Combine the information from the group.

Present the information in the form of a graph on a poster.

Discuss the class's eating habits, using the results of your survey and then make conclusions.

2) In your notebook write all the food your family ate last week.

Combine the information. Put all the foods into 6 groups: eggs, meat, grain, dairy products, fruit, vegetables.

Present the information in the form of a pie chart like this.

Discuss your family's habits using the results of your survey and then make conclusions.

3) Think of the following.

What are the ingredients of this dish?

How will this dish be cooked?

What utensils are needed for that?

What texture and will taste the dish have?

Whom will you offer this food?

c) It is interesting to know. Read and share your ideas.

Greasy Spoons; cafe life in London

The meals are dangerously unhealthy and absolutely delicious. All kinds of fried food can be bought for low prices. The centerpiece is usually the traditional English breakfast. At least two pieces of bacon, two sizzling sausages, two fried eggs, fried mushrooms, baked beans and bread soaked in hot oil and fried. They could also offer several pieces of black pudding. More calories can be found in a cup of tea in a good greasy spoon than in a whole meal at a normal restaurant. At weekends there will always be large groups of friends recovering from a night on the town. They are united by one thing, the food. They are all looking for some seriously stodgy grub.

d) Grammar. Subject questions, word order (revision).

Who has got three or four meals a day?

Who was invited to the birthday party?

Who comes to dinner without any invitation?

What is there between two pieces of bread?

What troubles them very often?

What was running to the garden's fence?


IV. Заключительная часть урока

Домашнее задание

Любимое блюдо моей семьи.

Итоги урока

Учитель подводит итоги урока и оценивает работу учащихся.