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Английский язык. Универсальное издание - подготовка к ЗНО и ДПА





Согласование времен (SEQUENCE OF TENSES)


В английском языке временная форма глагола в подрядном предложении (преимущественно в дополнительном) зависит от временной формы глагола-сказуемого в главном предложении и предопределяется правилами согласования времен.

1) Если глагол-сказуемое в главном предложении имеет форму настоящего или будущего времени, то в подрядном предложении глагол-сказуемое стоит в том времени, которого требуют содержание и ситуация:

Не has said he is going to come tomorrow. (Он сказал, что собирается прийти завтра.)

She will say that she was busy at that time. (Она скажет, что была занята в то время.)


2) Если глагол-сказуемое главного предложения стоит в одном зминулих времен, то в подрядном предложении происходит смещение времен до прошлого (по сравнению с теми, которых требуют содержание и ситуация):

My friend said that he would translate the article the next week. (Мой товарищ сказал, что переведет эту статью на следующей неделе.)

She asked том where I lived. (Она спросила, где я живу.)

а) Если в главном предложении глагол-сказуемое выражает минувшую действие, а действие придаточного дополнительного предложения происходит в тот самый отрезок времени, что и действие главного, то в подрядном предложении употребляется Past Indefinite или Past Continuous:

I thought you lived here. (Я думал, что ты здесь живешь.)

She didn't tell me where she was going. (Она не сказала мне, куда идет.)

б) Если в главном предложении глагол-сказуемое выражает минувшую действие, а действие придаточного дополнительного предложения состоялась ранее действия главного, то в подрядном предложении употребляется Past Indefinite или Past Perfect:

I asked him what had happened. (Я спросил его, что случилось.)

в) Если в главном предложении глагол-сказуемое выражает минувшую действие, а действие придаточного дополнительного предложения является будущей с точки зрения действия главного, то в подрядном предложении употребляется Future-in-the Past.

She said that she would write the letter. (Она сказала, что напишет это письмо.)

г) Если придаточное дополнительное предложение подчинено не главному, а другому подрядном предложению, то время глагола придаточного дополнительного предложения согласуется с временем глагола того предложения, которому оно непосредственно подчинено, а не с временем глагола главного предложения:

She told us that her brother had written that he worked at school. (Она сказала нам, что ее брат написал, что работает в школе.)


В некоторых случаях смещение времен в придаточных предложениях не происходит.

- Глагол в определительных, сравнительных и предложениях причины ставится в той форме, которая соответствует содержанию и ситуации:

I couldn't find the book you are speaking about.

It was so cold yesterday as it is today.

I didn't answer her letter because I don't like to write letters.

- Глагол must употребляется в подрядном предложении независимо от времени глагола в главном предложении:

The mother told the child that she must not play in the street.

- Если в подрядном предложении указано определенную дату события, то употребляется Past Indefinite:

Не said he was bom in 1983.

- Смещение времен не происходит, если в подрядном предложении сообщается общеизвестное положение или факт:

The teacher said that Great Britain consists of England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.




1. Translate into Russian.

1. I knew she played the piano every day. 2. I knew she was playing the piano. 3. I knew she had played the piano at the evening party. 4. I knew she had been playing the piano for two hours. 5. I knew she had not played the piano for a long time. 6. I knew she had been playing the piano for 2 hours before we came. 7. I knew she would play the piano at the concert.


2. Translate into English.

1. Он говорит, что учится в колледже. Он учится там уже 3года. 2. Он сказал, что учится в колледже. 3. Он сказал, что будет учиться в колледже. 4. Девушка сказала, что написала доклад на эту тему. Она писала ее два дня. 5. Мама сказала, что летом наша семья поедет на море. 6. Мой брат пообещал, что возьмет меня на соревнования. 7.Я знал, что концерт мне понравится. 8. Учитель знал, что ученики хорошо напишут диктант. 9. Я знаю, что ты ездил за границу прошлым летом. 10. Она знала, что он ездил за границу прошлой зимой. 11. Мы знаем, что она в библиотеке. 12. Мы знали, что она была в библиотеке и уже пошла домой. 13. Она спросила, где я живу. 14. Бабушка спросила, где я жил раньше. 15. Мы решили, что подготовим концерт к этому празднику.


3. Insert the appropriate form of the verb in brackets.

1. I knew that she (to live) in Kyiv since 1989. 2. She said that she (to know) him for two years. 3. I hoped that I (to see) her the next day. 4. The young man said that he (to work) at 6 o'clock. 5. I answered that I (to translate the article by 10 o'clock. 6. She says that she (to write) letters to her father twice a week. 7. The teacher said that he (to check up) our tests by 11 o'clock the next day. 8. I said that Й (to write) areport at 8 o'clock. 9. He said that he (to write) a letter for an hour when we came. 10. She said that she would be reading while I (to write) an exercise. 11. He said that he (to work) when I rang him up. 12. I thought you (to look through) the newspapers at 5 o'clock the day before.


4. Comment on the use of tenses in the subordinate clauses.

1. Mary wired back that she would arrive on the following day. (Cronin).

2. All that day she did as she had told Parker she would. (Bates).

3. I rose and said to Alice that I was going. (Braine).

4. “I knew it would happen one day,” said Maxim. (Du Maurier).

5. For some time the girl remained where he had left her, ... (Stevenson).

6. “At last, Sophie. I thought you were never coming.” (Huxley).

7. “I wanted to know,” I said, trembling, “if you would buy a jacket.” (Dickens).

8. Maxim rang up the next morning to say he would be back about seven. (Du Maurier).

9. He did not know what he was talking about. (Du Maurier).


5. Use the appropriate form of the verb in brackets.

1. “I wrote and said I ...,” replied Mary (am coming, was coming). (Cronin).

2. I answered that I ... he ... never again (think, thought; will smile, would smile). (Jerome K.Jerome).

3. He told me that in all his years he never ... so much blossom (saw, had seen). (Moore).

4. I wondered what I ... with my day (shall do, should do). (Du Maurier).

5. “Joe told me you ... to the Legation. I thought it ... easier to talk here” (have been, had been; will be, would be). (Greene).

6. I thought I ... you (know, knew). (Jerome K.Jerome).

7. It was raining when we ... London (leave, left). (Du Maurier).


6. Comment on the use of tenses and translate the sentences into Russian.

1. He was informed that both his father and mother were out, but that Miss Dinny had come up that morning from Condaford. (Galsworthy).

2. If only I could sleep, thought Hunter. Then in the morning I might know what to do. (Murdoch).

3. Then she knew what she must do. (Murdoch).

4. Slack was a positive type of a man. When he made up his mind, he was sure. (A. Christie).

5. Osbourne fully believed that Dobbin had come to announce his son's surrender. (Thackeray).

6. I darted back into the morning room again, just in time. I had not been seen. (Du Maurier).


7. Complete the following sentences.

Model: He said (that) he ...

He said (that) he had lived in that house before.

1. She said to us (that) he ...

2. I hoped (that) ...

3. My nephew told me (that) the radio-set ...

4. He reminded me (that) the programme ...

5. They declared (that) she ...

6. They informed us (that) the time-table ...

7. He imagined (that) ...

8. Everybody thought (that) ...

9. I answered (that) ...

10. He expressed his opinion (that) ...

11. They assured us (that) ...


8. Complete the following sentences.

Model: She asked me if ...

She asked me if I had ever been to Kyiv.

1. He asked me whether ...

2. She wondered when ...

3. My mother wanted to know where ...

4. She was interested to know how ...

5. She inquired for what purpose ...

6. He would like to know on what condition ...

7. The teacher asked to explain to her who ...

8. He wanted to find out by whom ...

9. They would like to know how much ...


9. Complete the following sentences supplying object clauses by arranging the given words in the proper order.

Model: She asked dinner, I, me, if, had, my, had.

She asked me if I had had my dinner.

1. She asked I, had, where, had, lunch.

2. She asked got up, o'clock, I, at, usually, what.

3. She asked fish, eat, I, why not, did.

4. She asked exhibition, we, to go, intended, when, to, the.

5. She asked that, it, how long, him, to reach, would, country, place, take.

6. She asked my, bought, I, where, had, dictionary.

7. She asked read, Dickens, if, I, in the original, had.

8. She asked at, I, had, plant, how long, worked that.