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2 класс



Lesson 1

Тема. Мои игрушки


учебная: повторить ранее изученные лексические единицы, звуки, грамматические структуры, закрепить изученные лексические единицы, изучить новую римівку;

развивающая: развивать логическое мышление, внимание и зрительную память, наблюдательность, совершенствовать фонетику и артикуляцию звуков, устные коммуникативные умения с опорой на наглядность;

воспитательная: воспитывать культуру собеседования, взаимоуважение, культуру общения, заинтересованность в расширении своих знаний.

Оборудование: цифры, карточки по теме «Игрушки».

Ход урока


1. Counting Chain Game. Start a counting chain: the first pupil in the chain says “Zero”, the next pupil says “One”, the next one says “Two”, and so on. After “Ten” go back to Zero” again. Any pupil who hesitates says or the wrong number is out. The last two or three pupils to remain in are the winners.



2. Look, point and say (p. 24, ex. 1).

To revise the toy words in the exercise, tell the pupils to say each word two or three times, pointing at the picture: “bear bear...”. Pupils listen and repeat. Build up to a full sentence each time: “a bear... it's a bear”. Pupils repeat the sentences after you.



3. Work in pairs (p. 24, ex. 2).

Pupils listen to the toy named, find and point at it. Ask them to say the numbers to check.

Ask questions about the toys. Ask the pupils to give you the answers using the pattern:

Is Number 1 a teddy bear? - Yes, it is.

Tell the pupils to ask questions about the toys using the questions. Help or correct the pupils if they have difficulties.





The Feelie Bag should contain small cards or squares of paper, each with one of the small letters of the alphabet (a-z) on it.

Divide pupils into two teams.

Draw one letter-card out of the bag and challenge each team to think of a word beginning with that letter.

One team member then spells out the word suggested.

Write all their words on the board.

Correct spelling mistakes.

Keep the score on the board.

Play several rounds for each team.

If the pupils can't think of a word, help with gestures or let them use the textbook to find the words to match the letter.

Let some pupils draw the cards from the bag; it will involve them into the game even more.

4. Listen and repeat (p. 24, ex. 3).

Read the poem. Pupils listen.

Read again, pausing after each sentence to let the pupils point at the pictures. Translate into their native language if the sentences are difficult to understand.

Ask the pupils to read the poem after you. Do choral and individual repetition.

Take turns to read the poem.

5. Look and say “Yes” or “No” (p. 25, ex. 4).

Ask the pupils to read the sentences individually and choose the correct answers, “Yes” / “No”.



6. Listen and read (p. 25, ex. 5).

Read the drills. Pupils listen and repeat.

Ask the pupils to read the chains one by one. Draw the pupils’ attention to the vowels. Ask the pupils to slowly and pronounce correctly.



7. Speak English (p. 25, ex. 6).

Ask the pupils to speak about their brother's / sister's toys. Tell them to use the sentences from the exercise.

Go around the class, point at toys and ask the pupils to speak about them.

Then let the pupils do the activity in pairs. Go around the class helping where necessary.



Bring a favourite toy.

Revise the toy words.

Read the poem (p. 24, ex. 3).