II семестр
Цели: формировать навыки применения новых лексических единиц; совершенствовать навыки произношения, устной речи и чтения; развивать языковую догадку; прививать любовь к природе, бережное отношение к ее богатствам.
1. Warm-up
Read the leaflet, which tells us what we can do to help our environment.
Put the verb in brackets into the correct form, either positive or negative.
1) (Buy / don'T buy) food in plastic containers.
2) (Teach / don'T teach) your children about healthy eating.
3) When possible (travel / don't travel) by public transport.
4) (Take / don'T take) the car if you can walk or cycle.
5) If you drive, (use / don't use) unleaded petrol and (get / don't get) a car, which uses a lot of petrol for kilometer.
6) (Switch off / don'T switch off) electric lights when you are not using them.
7) Instead of turning up the heating in the house (put on / don't put on) a sweater.
8) (Wear / don'T wear) fur coats.
9) When you buy writing paper (look for/don't look for) recycled paper.
10) (Throw / don'T throw) litter in the street;
11) (Take / don't take) it home with you or (use / don't use) a litter bin.
2. Listening and speaking
Show the picture where all the necessary vocabulary items are labeled. Read the text where all of them are mentioned.
At first, let's start with the key vocabulary. We can find a lot of new words, which we need to describe our cities. Look at this picture: you can see the results of man's activity.
There are quite a lot of people in the largest cities, so we call them overcrowded cities. Many people make too much litter, rubbish and garbage. Litter is bits of paper, wrapping, bottles, etc left lying about public places. Rubbish (Am. garbage) is waste (no longer of use) material and food thrown away as worthless. Garbage and rubbish usually dispose in landfill sites. People, of course, have got many cars. And cars burn gasoline, which produces carbon dioxide and other toxic products such as benzene and lead. Companies and enterprises dump their wastes into water. So, bad breath, spilt oil, chemical wastes, litter pollute air, soil, water.
And we should do our best to improve this situation.
Write the new words on the board and practise them chorally and individually.
Match the words and their Russian equivalents:
1) |
overcrowded |
a) |
выхлопные газы |
2) |
litter |
b) |
перенаселенный |
3) |
rubbish / garbage |
c) |
химические отходы |
4) |
dispose |
d) |
мусор на улице |
5) |
landfill site |
e) |
улучшить |
6) |
carbon dioxide |
f) |
загрязнять |
7) |
dump |
g) |
располагать |
8) |
bad breath |
h) |
мусора |
9) |
spilt oil |
i) |
помойку |
10) |
chemical waste |
j) |
углекислый газ |
11) pollute |
k) |
сбрасывать, избавляться |
12) improve |
l) |
разлитая нефть |
3. Reading and speaking
Read the text in Ex. 1, p. 128, find there the new words and practise them.

4. Writing
Do Ex. 2, p. 128.
5. Speaking
Do Ex. 3, p. 129.
6. Reading
Read the text in Ex. 4, p. 129 and fill in the gaps in the following sentences.
1) It is very romantic to travel by____.
2) It is____ to ride a bike if there are no special bicycle lanes.
3) If the air is not clean, people have to wear____.
4) Nowadays all big cities are____.
5) A lot of cars cause air_____.
7. Speaking
Do Ex. 5, p. 129.
8. Summary
What are the common environment problems?
What are the main pollutants?
9. Homework
Write a small paragraph about environmental problems in our region.