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10 класс






Цели: совершенствовать лексические навыки и навыки произношения, аудирования, чтения и устной речи; развивать логическое мышление; воспитывать правильное отношение к искусству, а также общую культуру учащихся.


1. Warm-up

Do the quiz.

Choose the correct answer.

1) In which country did the French painter Paul Gauguin complete his most memorable works?

a) Peru

b) France

c) Tahiti

d) England

2) What museum is home to the Mona Lisa?

a) The Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City

b) The National Gallery in London

c) The in Paris Louvre

d) The Uffizi in Florence

3) Monet, Renoir, Degas and all contributed to the art movement known as ___.

a) post-modernism

b) cubism

c) realism

d) impressionism

4) The paintings on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel are ___.

a) watercolors

b) oil paintings

c) фрески

d) acrylic paintings

5) Which artist is famous for his Impressionist dancers?

a) Edouard Manet

b) Edgar Degas

c) Paul Cezanne

d) Pierre Auguste Renoir

6) The theft of painting which actually boosted its popularity?

a) “The Scream”

b) “Mona Lisa”

c) “The Starry Night”

d) “Sunflowers”

7) What condition did Vincent van Gogh suffer from that caused him to cut off one of his ear lobes?

a) Bell's palsy

b) bipolar disorder

c) epilepsy

8) Who painted the Mona Lisa?

a) Leonardo da Vinci

b) Raphael

c) Rembrandt

d) Michelangelo

9) Claude Monet was a founder of what school of painting?

a) Expressionism

b) Cubism

c) Romanticism

d) Impressionism

10) What artist painted ‘The Night Watch’?

a) Rubens

b) Rembrandt

c) Gainsborough

d) Van Dyck

Key: 1c; 2c; 3d; 4c; 5b; 6b; 7c; 8a; 9d; 10b.

2. Speaking

Work in groups.

Speak on the items in ex. 7, p. 113. (Checking the homework)

3. Writing

Practise the vocabulary.

Do ex. 1, p. 114.

4. Reading

Do ex. 2, p. 114.

Key: 1 c 2 g; 3 a; 4; 5 d; 6 h; 7 б; 8 f; 9 e.

5. Speaking

Do ex. 3, p. 115.

Key: a - classicism; b - primitive; c - avant-garde; d - realism; e - icon; f - impressionism; g - futurism; h - expressionism; i - folk.

6. Summary

1) What do people think about when they look at paintings in galleries?

2) If you could be given the talent to paint, what would you paint?

7. Homework

Get ready with your ideas as for describing pictures on p. 115.