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2 класс



Lesson 9

Тема. Повторение грамматики


учебная: повторить и обобщить грамматический материал, закрепить употребление грамматических структур, активизировать изученный лексико-грамматический материал в речи, развивать умения и навыки чтения, письма, устного монологического и диалогической речи;

развивающая: развивать интеллектуальные и познавательные способности, разные типы памяти - слуховую, зрительную, оперативную, длительную, внимание, воображение, учить работать в паре, группе, логично выражать мнение;

воспитательная: воспитывать культуру собеседования, заинтересованность в расширении своих знаний, общую культуру учащихся.

Оборудование: грамматические таблицы, карточки по теме.

Ход урока


1. Revision of numbers and counting. Divide the pupils into two teams. Pupils count from one to as far as they can, each team saying alternate numbers. Each team starts out with five points. A team loses a point when a mistake is made. When all five points have been lost, the remaining team is the winner.



2. Find and say (p. 120, ex. 1).

Ask questions about the picture: “Can you see a ball? Is there a robot in the picture?” Then some practice questions with “Whose...?”

Read the example chorally.

Answer the first question with the class and write the answer on the board. Pupils write the answers to the other questions on their own.



3. Match the questions and answers (p. 120, ex. 2).

Write the questions and answers in two columns on the board.

Ask the pupils to read the questions only. They take turns to read them.

Then ask the pupils to read the answers only. They take turns to read them too. In pairs, pupils try to match the questions and answers.

Ask the pupils to come up to the board and match them together.

Help and correct the answers if necessary.



4. Write (p. 120, ex. 3).

Ask the pupils to make sentences checking the word order.

Pupils read silently, alone or in pairs. Go around the class, helping the pupils with difficult words.

Ask the exemplary pupils to write the sentences on the board. The other pupils write the sentences into their copy books.

Key: 1. Children like parties. 2. They celebrate New Year Day and birthdays. 3. They usually dance and sing at the parties. 4. They are happy. 5. He writes a postcard for his father on father's Day. 6. Do you like family parties?

5. Write questions (p. 121, ex. 4).

Pair work: Make the questions to the answers.

Write an example on the board. Explain to the pupils how to make a question. Use the table “Present Simple. Questions”.

Explain the task and draw the pupils’ attention to the word order of questions.

Pupils work out which words go in the sentences. Ask them to read the sentences aloud.

Read and correct if there are mistakes in the sentences.

Key: 1. Do you celebrate your birthday in your family? 2. Do you write a postcard to your Granny? 3. Do you buy presents? 4. Does your mother cook a cake for a family party? 5. Do you open the presents at the party? 6. Does your brother congratulate you on your birthday?

6. Complete and match (p. 121, ex. 5).

Pair work: Fill in the gaps.

Write on the board: “el_v_n”, “t_el_e”, etc.

Pupils work out letters which go in the gaps. Ask them to read the words aloud.

Read and match: Pupils match the pictures to the words using the colour of the car: “The car number eleven is ...”



7. Speak English (p. 121, ex. 6).

Ask the pupils to describe their free time with the parents using flashcards.



Word Banks Project: Draw pictures of how you spend your free time with your parents in the Holiday Book.