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Мой конспект
2 класс



Lesson 1

Тема. Мой лучший день


учебная: повторить ранее изученные лексические единицы, закрепить изученные лексические единицы, активизировать изученный лексико-грамматический материал, развивать умения и навыки чтения, письма, устной речи;

развивающая: развивать логическое мышление, внимание и зрительную память, наблюдательность, совершенствовать фонетику и артикуляцию звуков, устные коммуникативные умения с опорой на наглядность;

воспитательная: помочь детям быть раскованными в общении, повторить материал предыдущих уроков; пополнить лексический запас, дать возможность ученикам использовать общие знания, привлечь к работе учеников всего класса.

Оборудование: календарь.

Ход урока


1. Start a months-of-the-year round chain the class. Use the calendar.

Write any two or three anagrams on the board for the pupils to work out in pairs, e.g., charM (March), Nomberve (November), etc.



2. Look and say (p. 104, ex. 1).

Pupils look at the pictures. They read the names of the children and months when they were born.

Ask questions about the children's birthdays: “When is kim's birthday? - It's in February.” etc.

Pupils work in pairs asking and answering the questions.



3. Work in pairs. Ask and answer (p. 104, ex. 2).

Pair work: Pupils ask each other questions.

- When is your birthday? - It's in...

In pairs, pupils practice the dialogue. One or two pairs act out the dialogue. Group work: Pupils work in groups of four. They practice for a few minutes. Go round the class, help if necessary.

One or two groups ask and answer the questions.



4. Listen and repeat (p. 104, ex. 3).

Revise the days of the week, using the calendar. Point at the words and ask the pupils to read them. Repeat it several times chorally and individually.

Tell the pupils to look at the picture.

Say the poem, pausing after each line for the class to repeat.

Ask one of the exemplary pupils to read the poem too. He / She reads the text while the class listens.

Pupils take turns to read the poem.

5. Listen and read (p. 105, ex. 4).

Ask the pupils to look at the picture.

Ask the pupils to read the text in silence.

Pupils take turns to read the text. They point at the picture. Pupils read and practice it.



Sing the song “Happy birthday to you!”

6. Choose and say (p. 63, ex. 5).

Ask the pupils to read the sentences individually and choose the correct answers.

Key: 1. a birthday; 2. a necklace; 3. polite.

7. Find and say (p. 105, ex. 6).

This activity helps the pupils to associate spoken sounds with written letters. Explain the task in English.

Read the text (p. 105, ex. 5) again.

Find the “N n” words.

Ask the pupils to write the words on the board or you can do it yourself to save time.

Spell the “N n” words.

Ask the pupils to write 3-4 sentences with the words.

8. Listen and read (p. 105, ex. 7).

Read the drills. Draw the pupils’ attention to the vowel sounds and letter combinations.

Do choral and individual repetition.



9. Speak English (p. 105, ex. 8).

Write a table on the board to help the pupils.

Ask the pupils to match the parts of the questions.

Ask the pupils to write 3-4 questions to Jane about her birthday party.


How old





your birthday?



got presents?



Read ex. 4, p. 105.