Подтема: Семестровый контроль языковой и речевой компетенции учащихся.
Цель: Провести тестовый контроль учебных достижений учащихся по аудированию.
Оборудование: Тетрадь для тематического оценивания учебных достижений учащихся, Listening Comprehension.
Greeting and Aim
1. Приветствие и сообщение темы и цели урока.
Т: Hello, everyone! Today we'll have a test to check your skills in listening comprehension. But first let us learn a new greeting rhyme.
Warming up
2. Введение в иноязычную атмосферу.
Ученики хором повторяют за учителем рифмовки, слова которого записаны на доске, потом двое-трое самостоятельно читают его перед классом.
Nice to see you, Vicky!
Nice to meet you, Ralf!
How are you doing?
How's life?
1. Инструкции по выполнению контрольной работы и ее оценки по 12-балльной шкале.
Т: Now you'll write a test and show how you can listen and understand what you hear. There are four tasks in the test. You'll get 3 points for each task.
2. Выполнение контрольной работы.
Учащиеся самостоятельно выполняют контрольную работу по аудированию в тетрадях для тематического оценивания.
1. Домашнее задание.
Впр. 3 (с. 70), подготовиться к интервью со сверстником о дальнейшее обучение в школе за рубежом.
2. Подведение итогов урока.
Т: Today you've had your first semester test. Next time we'll check your speaking skills. Your homework will help you to prepare for it.
Variant I
1. You will hear three short conversations. You will hear each conversation twice. There is one question for each conversation. Put a tick “√” under the right answer.
0) What time will the friends meet?

1) What pictures does Ann like to take?

2) What will the woman give the man?

3) Which is richard's present?

2. You will hear a text. You will hear the text twice. After the first reading do Task 1. After the second reading Tasks do 2 and 3.
Task 1. Put "+" next to the true sentences and "-" next to the false sentences.
[+] 1) Jimmy and his parents lived in the country.
[ ] 2) There was a forest near their house.
[ ] 3) Jimmy's father got a new job in a big city.
[ ] 4) Their new house had a big garden.
[ ] 5) There was a small river in the park.
[ ] 6) Jimmy and his mother went to the park after lunch.
[ ] 7) Jimmy looked into the pool and saw 157 people there.
Task 2. Which of the answers to the questions are correct: a, b, or c?
[b] 1) Where did Jimmy live?
a) In a small town,
b) In the country,
c) In a big city.
[ ] 2) Where did Jimmy like to play?
a) In the forest,
b) In the yard,
c) In the small river.
[ ] 3) What did Jimmy's father get?
a) A new job,
b) A new shop,
c) A new car.
[ ] 4) What was there near Jimmy's new house?
a) A river.
b) A forest.
c) A park.
[ ] 5) Who took Jimmy to the park?
a) His father.
b) His mother.
c) His granny.
[ ] 6) What did they see near the pool?
a) A warning
b) A boat.
c) A crocodile.
[ ] 7) How many people did Jimmy see in the pool?
a) 157
b) 7
c) None.
Task 3. Write the sentences in the correct order to get a story.
[ ] A. There was a pool in the park.
[ ] B. Jimmy looked into the pool and said, "I can't see any people there".
[1] C. Jimmy liked to live in the country.
[ ] D. Jimmy went to the beautiful park with his mother.
[ ] E. But his father got a new job in a big city.
[ ] F. Jimmy's mother read a warning: "157 people fell into the pool".
[ ] G. Now Jimmy lived in a new house with a small garden.
Total: [ ] [12]
Variant II
You will hear three short conversations. You will hear each conversation twice. There is one question for each conversation. Put a tick 'V" under the right answer.
1) What time will the friends meet?

2) What is the weather like for jack's holiday?

3) How will Tom go to school tomorrow?

4) Which man is Laura's English teacher?

You will hear a text. You will hear the text twice. After the first reading do Task 1. After the second reading Tasks do 2 and 3.
Task 1. Put "+" next to the true sentences and "-" next to the false sentences.
[-] 1) Neil was seven years old.
[ ] 2) Neil lived with his parents in the country.
[ ] 3) One Saturday Neil's aunt came and visited them.
[ ] 4) After lunch Neil's mother washed the dishes.
[ ] 5) Neil showed his uncle their new car.
[ ] 6) Neil went out to play with God in the garden.
[ ] 7) It was difficult to play with God.
Task 2. Which of the answers to the questions are correct: a, b or c?
[b] 1) How old was Neil?
a) 3
b) 5
c) 7
[ ] 2) How many children did Neil's parents have?
a) 1
b) 2
c) 3
[ ] 3) When did Neil's uncle come and visit them?
a) On Friday,
b) On Saturday,
c) On Sunday.
[ ] 4) What did Neil's father do after lunch?
a) Washed the car.
b) Slept,
c) Washed the dishes.
[ ] 5) What did Neil show to his uncle?
a) His toys.
b) His books,
c) His bike.
[ ] 6) Where did Neil and his uncle talk?
a) In the dining-room,
b) In the living-room,
c) In the garden.
[ ] 7) Where did Neil play with God?
a) In the dining-room,
b) In the living-room,
c) In the garden.
Task 3. Write the sentences in the correct order to get a story.
[ ] A. He had lunch with Neil and his parents.
[ ] B. Neil's uncle was surprised and asked how Neil played with God.
[1] C. Neil was 5 years old and lived with his parents in the country.
[ ] D. Then Neil said to his uncle that he wanted to play with God.
[ ] E. Neil said that he threw the ball up, and God threw it back to him.
[ ] F. One Saturday Neil's uncle Fred came and visited them.
[ ] G. After lunch Neil showed his uncle his toys and they talked.
Total: [ ] [12]