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2 класс



Lesson 10

Тема. Проверь себя!


учебная: повторить и закрепить лексико-грамматические структуры, обобщить изученный лексический материал по теме «Внешность»;

развивающая: развивать коммуникативные компетенции, произвольную память, способность обобщать изученный материал;

воспитательная: вызвать у детей желание учиться, к процессу познания; воспитывать дисциплину, уважение к одноклассникам, привычку к систематическому умственному труду.

Оборудование: таблицы, карточки по теме «Внешность», «Одежда», семейные фото.

Ход урока


1. Write the body words on the board. Ask the pupils to close their eyes while you rub out one word. Pupils then open their eyes and try to remember what is missing. They can say the word or write it down. Do two or three rounds with different words.



2. Listen and say (p. 62, ex. 1).

Read the texts. Pupils listen and choose the right picture. They can write the letters in their copybooks.

Pupils describe the correct person.

Key: 1. B. 2. A. 3. C. 4. B.



3. Look and say (p. 62, ex. 2).

Ask the pupils to look at the pictures. Ask questions about the children's clothes: “What colour is the dress? Who has got a cap? How many socks can you see?”

Ask the pupils to read the sentences and match them with the pictures. Complete the sentences, using the pictures.

Key: 3. These are Dan's trousers. These trousers are (colour). 4. These are ann's socks. These are her socks. 5. These are Dan's shoes. These are his shoes. 6. This is ann's hat. It's her hat.



4. Listen, read and say (p. 63, ex. 3).

Ask the pupils to look at the pictures.

Ask the pupils to read the text in silence.

Pupils take turns to read the text. They point at the picture. Pupils read and practice it.

Ask the pupils to find the wrong sentences.

Read them.

Help or correct the pupils if they have difficulties.

Key: Wrong sentence: Taras has got a yellow T-shirt and black trousers on.

5. Choose and say (p. 63, ex. 4).

Ask the pupils to read the sentences individually and choose the correct answers.

Key: 1. children and their aunt; 2. trousers; 3. a hat.

6. Find and say (p. 63, ex. 5).

This activity helps the pupils to associate spoken sounds with written letters.

Explain the task in English.

Read the text (p. 63, ex. 3) again.

Find the “T t” words.

Ask the pupils to write the words on the board or you can do it yourself to save time.

Spell the “T” words.



Pair work:

Listen and colour.

One pupil colours a picture in the Workbook, preferably at home.

S/he does not let their partner see it.

The pupil then describes the coloured picture to their partner: a (red) (ball), a (green) (kite).

Their partner colours the picture in their own Workbook, following the instructions.

When finished, they compare the pictures.

7. Speak English (p. 63, ex. 6).

Individual work. Pupils describe their family photos making short stories. You can write some questions or sentences on the board to help.



Describe your family photos.

Describe your clothes.