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Lesson 9

Тема. Повторение грамматики


учебная: повторить и обобщить грамматический материал, закрепить употребление грамматических структур, активизировать изученный лексико-грамматический материал, развивать умения и навыки чтения, письма, устной речи;

развивающая: развивать интеллектуальные и познавательные способности, разные типы памяти - слуховую, зрительную, оперативную, длительную, внимание, воображение, учить работать в паре, группе, логично выражать мнение;

воспитательная: воспитывать культуру собеседования, заинтересованность в расширении своих знаний, общую культуру учащихся.

Оборудование: грамматические таблицы.

Ход урока


1. Do a few minutes’ revision.

Ask the questions: “Where are you? Where are your grandparents? Where do you play football? Where do you play hide-and-seek? Where do you see animals?”



2. Look at the table “Plural Nouns”. Read the examples. Explain the rule. Do it in their native language. Give other examples.

3. Write (p. 40, ex. 1).

Write the words in singular from the exercise on the board in a column.

Ask the pupils to write the words in plural.

Explain the rule. Then ask the pupils to explain too.



Play a game with pairs of objects partly hidden in your hand. Say, “i've got two... (pens), i've got three... (pencils)”. Pupils finish the sentences using plural. Play the game two or three times with different objects and different pupils.

4. Complete and say (p. 40, ex. 2).

Pupils read the sentences and complete using the words from the table. Draw the pupils’ attention to the word “your”. Explain that the pupils may use it two times.

Key: 1. Your; 2. Our; 3. His; 4. Its; 5. Her; 6. Your; 7. My; 8. Their.

5. Match and say (p. 40, ex. 3).

In pairs, pupils read and practice the sentences. One or two pairs act out each sentence. Help or correct the pupils if they have difficulties.



6. Write and say (p. 41, ex. 4).

Read the task in their native language.

Tell the pupils to look at the picture to write the sentences correctly. Point out that the first letter of the first word is capitalized and the last word has got a full stop after it.

Make up sentences.

Ask the pupils to write them down on the board and in their copy books.

Key: 1. It is Sunday today. 2. Jane and Peter are not at school. 3. They can play. 4. They play computer games. 5. Peter has got a sister. 6. Look at her! 7. She makes puzzles. 8. The children are happy.

Revise the table “Present Simple Tense”. Drill the pronunciation of affirmative forms. Point out the difference between “He / She plays...” on the board, as well as “do - does”, “go - goes”, “watch - watches”, “have got - has got”.

7. Write (p. 41, ex. 5).

Write sentences and explain the rule.

8. Speak English (p. 41, ex. 6).

Explain to the pupils that they have to speak about their week.

Tell them about your week: “I go to school every day. I read, write and play games at school. I play games in the yard. I visit my grandparents. I watch TV at home. I can play computer games. I go to bed.”

Ask the pupils to tell their stories individually.

Help or correct the pupils if they have difficulties.



Play the game Bingo! with the hobby words the pupils know. Get the pupils to suggest and spell the hobby words. Write them in a list on the board. Pupils choose and write down any four hobby words and the game begins. Pupils cross off the words as they are called out.



Revise the new words.

Speak about your weekend and your week.