Подтема: Семестровый контроль языковой и речевой компетенции учащихся.
Цель: Провести тестовый контроль учебных достижений учащихся с говорения.
Оборудование: Тетрадь для тематического оценивания учебных достижений учащихся, Speaking.
Greeting and Aim
1. Приветствие и сообщение темы и цели урока.
Т: Hello, everyone! Today you'll write a test to check your skills in speaking. But first let us analyze how you did you test in listening.
Analyzing the Test
2. Анализ выполнения контрольной работы по аудированию.
Учитель объявляет результаты теста по аудированию и анализирует типичные ошибки.
Warming up 3. Введение в иноязычную атмосферу.
Ученики хором повторяют за учителем стихотворение «Russian Song» М. Tsypkina (см. урок 106).
1. Инструкции по выполнению контрольной работы и ее оценки по 12-балльной шкале.
Т: The test consists of four tasks. You get three points for each task if you do it correctly.
2. Выполнение контрольной работы.
Учащиеся самостоятельно выполняют контрольную работу по говорения в тетрадях для тематического оценивания.
Подведение итогов урока.
Т: How do you feel about your test today? Were you successful in every task?
Variant I
1. Complete the conversation using the phrases from the box.
a) You're right.
b) Of course.
c) One of the best,
d) How wonderful
e) isn't it
f) Here it is.
g) Shall we go
h) How old
i) Is it far
Mother: Look, children. We are in St Sophia Square.
Lena: Oh, this is St Sophia Cathedral, e (1)?
M:_______ (2), Lena. This is our Sophia,_____ (3) cathedrals in the world.
Ihor:____ (4), is the cathedral?
M: Oh, it's very old, over 900 years old.
L:_______ (5)! How nice it is now. The golden domes are so bright!
I:_______ (6) into the cathedral?
M:_______ (7), in a few minutes. First we'll see the monument to Bohdan Khmelnitskyi.
I:_______ (8)? Where is it?
L: Look to the right.______ (9), in the centre of the square.
2. Choose the correct answer.
[c] 1) How do you do?
a) i'm a pupil,
b) i'm fine.
c) How do you do?
[ ] 2) Would you like a drink?
a) Certain.
b) Yes, please,
c) don'T mention it.
[ ] 3) what's the matter?
a) All right.
b) Nothing.
c) Fine, thanks.
[ ] 4) My name is Smylnovsky.
a) How?
b) Please?
c) What did you say?
[ ] 5) Which pen do you want?
a) That one.
b) Here it is.
c) Yes, please.
[ ] 6) i'm very thirsty.
a) Would you like some tea?
b) Do you like tea?
c) Would you tea?
[ ] 7) Do you like tea?
a) Much.
b) Yes, I do.
c) that's all right.
3. Ask questions about this present.

What for? __________________________________
Why? ______________________________________
Name of book? ______________________________
Price? ______________________________________
Where/buy? _________________________________
Friend/like? ________________________________
4. Do you like reading books! Is this your hobby! Write about your hobbies and interests.
Total: [ ] [12]
Variant II
1. Complete the conversation using the phrases from the box.
a) look like
b) can
c) beautiful
d) What
e) How
f) don't they
g) bank
h) bridge
i) idea
Lena: Mummy, I want to look at the g (1) of the Dnieper from the river. How____ (2) I do it?
Ihor: I also want to do it. ____ (3) can we see the city from the middle of the river?
Mother: that's easy. Let's go to the____(4) and look at the bank.
L: A good_______ (5)!
(After some minutes on the bridge).
I: Ch, how______ (6) Kyiv is when you look at it from the bridge. Is that the Monument of Glory?
M: Yes, it's the Monument to the soldiers who fought against fascists during the Great Patriotic War and gave their lives in the courageous struggle.
L: And those green trees and golden domes between them! _______ _________________ (7) a nice sight!
I: that's the Pechersk Lavra monastery, right?
L: The golden domes______ (8) small suns between the trees,_____?
M: Really wonderful! How nice Kyiv is!
2. Choose the correct answer.
[c] 1) How do you do?
a) i'm a pupil.
b) i'm fine,
c) How do you do?
[ ] 2) Have a biscuit.
a) Thank you very much.
b) Thanks you very much.
c) Very much thanks.
[ ] 3) that's very kind...
a) from you.
b) by you.
c) of you.
[ ] 4) How are you?
a) John Smith.
b) Very well, thank you.
c) 11 years old.
[ ] 5) Tell me what your dog likes.
a) Biscuits and bones.
b) Very well, thanks.
c) Black and hairy.
[ ] 6) Tell me what your dog looks like?
a) Very quickly.
b) Big, black and hairy.
c) Biscuits and bones.
[ ] 7) i've got a cold.
a) Oh, dear.
b) My dear.
c) Bless you.
3. Ask questions about this party.
I passed my tests yesterday. Come to the party. Cafe "Lux"
5 p. m.- 9 p. m.
Live music. Disco.
David |
Where? ____________________________________
Whose party? _______________________________
Why? ______________________________________
Finish? _____________________________________
Dance? ____________________________________
What music? ________________________________
4. Do you like parties! Why! What are your family traditions! What holidays do you celebrate! Write about it.
Total: [ ] [12]