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Служебные части речи (The Structural Parts of Speech)

Construction there + to be



Positive Form

Negative Form 1

Negative Form 2

There is a new house in N. Street.

Is there a new house in N. Street?

Yes, there is.

No, there is not (there isn't).

There is no new house in N. Street.

There are new houses in N. Street.

Are there new houses in N. Street?

Yes, there are.

No, there are not (there aren't).

There are no new houses in N. Street.

There was a new house in N. Street.

Was there a new house in N. Street?

Yes, there was.

No, there was not (there wasn't).

There was no new house in N. Street.

There were new houses in N. Street.

Were there new houses in N. Street?

Yes, there were.

No, there were not (there weren't).

There were no new houses in N. Street.

There will be a new house in N. Street?

There will be new houses in N. Street.

Will there be a new house in N. Street?

Will there be new houses in N. Street?

Yes, there will.

No, there will not be (there won't).

There will be no new house in N. Street. There will be no new houses in N. Street.

В предложениях, в которых указывается на наличие или отсутствие какого предмета (явления, лица) в определенном месте или в определенное время, сказуемое, выражен глаголом to be в третьем лице единственного или множественного числа, ставится перед подлежащим. Такие предложения начинаются словом there, которое не имеет самостоятельного значения, а лишь вводится глаголом, и на украинском языке не переводится.

There is a piano in the room. - В комнате есть (или стоит) пианино.

There are по pictures on the wall. - На стене нет картин.

There are not any pictures on the wall. - На стене нет картин.

Примечание. В предложениях с оборотом there is может употребляться также наречие места there (там), что ставится в конце предложения:

There are many children there. - Там много детей.

Не следует путать предложения типа The piano is in the room с предложением There is a piano in the room.

Первое предложение отвечает на вопрос Где пианино? - Where is the piano?, тогда как второе является ответом на вопрос Что есть в комнате? - What is there in the room?



There is ('s)

a (some)

book on the table, a pen and some pencils in my bag.


There are ('re)

some (a few)

chairs in the room.


Is there

any (a)

river in this place?


There was


wind yesterday.


There were


factories in this street.


There will be ('ll be)

a lot of

pupils at the meeting.


There won't be


guests tomorrow.




bread at home.



sugar in my cup.

There is

a little

butter on the plate


money in my bag.


a lot of

oil in my country.



work at our office today.