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Тема. Navigating the Newspaper. Grammar Revision


Цель: формировать навыки употребления тематических JIO в устной речи учащихся в грамматических структурах Present и Past Simple Tense; обучить учащихся правильному употреблению речевых штампов; практиковать в неподготовленном ММ и ДМ за проблемными заданиями; совершенствовать навыки аудирования, чтения и устной речи по теме; развивать наблюдательность, смекалку и познавательный интерес к изучению английского языка.


I. Организация класса. Поздравление


II. Подготовка к иностранного вещания

Фонетическая и речевая зарядка.


III. Основная часть урока

a) Ex. 9, p. 19 - Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense form and voice.

b) Ex. 1, p. 20 - Work in pairs. Take turns to ask and answer the questions in the table. Add information of your own. Speak in class. Say what you have learnt about your friend:

How do you get to know the news?

· from radio and TV / newspapers and magazines / from my friends and parents.

What do you like to read about or listen to?

· local news / international news / business

· politics / sports / entertainment / films / quiz shows.

What's in the news now?

c) “Errata”

An irate retired colonel stormed into a newspaper office in a great fume. “In a feature you referred to me as “battle-scared” instead of battle-scarred”.

“We are awfully sorry, colonel”, apologized the editor, “we'll rush through an urgent correction”.

The retake called the colonel “bottle-scarred” this time.

d) Ex. 2, p. 20 - Look at the newspaper and say what it's main parts are:

· Newspaper's logo and title / the date / the price

· the front page / the headline / the editorial / the item

· current events / a column / the article / a photo.

e) Ex. 3, p. 21 - Mrs. Alison talks with her pupils about the structure of a newspaper. Read the text of her lecture and find what she tells them about the things in the list:

· the reason to read a newspaper

· topics of the articles

· a front page of a newspaper

· sections in a newspaper

· the editorial

· the editor


IV. Заключительная часть урока

Домашнее задание

Эх. 8, г. 22.

Итоги урока

Учитель подводит итоги урока и оценивает работу учащихся.